futuristic Vehicle Project


for my research phase i have decided to look into a futuristic dystopian environment to pull inspiration for my vehicle design. a dystopian environment would typically mean a future that has gone into chaos

image 1: 

Related image

the first image that i found, i would associate it with a futuristic dystopian theme based on the its environment and colour scheme alone. this image very easily portrays its self as a dystopian environment by the fact it has olden styled buildings that have been over crowed with futuristic neon signs and scraps of metal by the people living in them, using whatever they can find to keep them self with a house to live in.

Image 2:

Related image

the second image that i found, i still would consider it as a futuristic dystonia themed image. the reason i would consider this as a dystonia themed image is because the environment looks very gloomy and old by the fact that there is a scrap of metal that has moss over grown on it which brings about the dystopian part and what brings about the futuristic part would  have to be the futuristic robots in the background.



concept design


i started this off with some blocked out shapes then went of them with a rough sketch of what i think the vehicle should look like or what features i think it should have to be suited for its environment and theme of environment.


refined sketch of concept 



i wanted to do a more refined sketch of the vehicle because i felt like i could add way more detail this way to really portray its features that will fit its theme and environment more.


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